Likeable Forms - Form Builder Features Overview

Features Overview

Increase Data Capturing Rates.

Build dependable, scalable, stunningly designed forms.

form builder

Form Builder

Harness the full power of a feature-rich form builder.

drag and drop icon
Drag and Drop

Build forms visually with an easy-to-use drag and drop form builder.

See documentation
field types icon
Field Types

Build highly customizable forms by choosing from a variety of different field types.

See documentation
inline editing icon
Inline Editing

Eliminate the complexites of making simple straightforward edits with inline editing.

See documentation
real time icon
Real Time Changes

Create, edit, duplicate, delete, or toggle between forms instantly.

embed icon

Easily embed forms from within your website with a simple copy and paste.

See documentation
conditional logic icon
Conditional Logic

Show or hide fields based on a set of predetermined conditions.

See documentation
community support icon
Advanced Settings

Granular field control settings on a per field basis.


View captured data with a dedicated submissions tab.

unlimited submissions icon
Unlimited Submissions

Captured submission data is automatically saved and stored to your server without restriction limits.

organized submissions icon
Organized Submissions

Form submissions are organized by form title, date, and time in descending order.

view images icon
View Images

View attachments that are uploaded with file upload fields directly in the browser.

quick glance icon
Quick Glance

Quickly browse through hundreds of form submissions without filtering.


Create rich HTML supported outgoing notifications.

route to team members icon
Route to Team Members

Automatically send & route notifications to team members when a new form submission is received.

automated emails icon
Comfortable Inbox UI

Create new outgoing emails inside a notification tab that feels just like your inbox.

dynamic options icon
Dynamic Options

Save time with pre-populated options such as company email addresses and meta data.

dynamic field mapping icon
Dynamic Field Mapping

Insert dynamic receipients, email titles, and field values with "dynamic tags".


Sophisticated security settings built-in.

browser side validation icon
Browser Side Validation

A preliminary security process in which the user input data is validated before allowing the form submission to take place.

server side validation icon
Server Side Validation

A complex multi-layered validation process free from browser manipulation in which the form data is revalidated.

anti spam icon
Anti Spam Prevention

Automatically prevents multiple/duplicate submissions.

database securityg icon
Database Security

All form data is reformatted, sanitized, and prepared before safely saving to the database to prevent SQL attacks.

xss security icon
XSS Security

Pre-implemented protocols for preventing XSS attacks.

Themes & Templates

Get off to the races with a theme and template.

unique design icon
Designed for Functionality

Choose from a variety of themes designed to appropriately address the forms need and functionality.

pixel perfect icon
Pixel Perfect

All designs are made to be cross browser compatible, mobile-responsive, and without design "quirks."

form links icon
Form Links

Instantly start sharing your forms without creating new web pages or manually embeddeding a form.

growing library icon
A growing library

You gain unlimited access to all new themes and templates as they are released into the library.


50+ Integrations to take your forms to the next level.

payments icon

Start accepting secure online payments for one-time purchases or recurring subscriptions.

esignaure and pdf icon
eSignature & PDF

Automatically generate PDFs with dynamically added signers and start collecting legally-binding signatures.

smtp icon

Increase email deliverability rates by integrating your existing email server to use new reliable SMTP endpoints.

email marketing icon
Email Marketing

Automatically begin your email marketing automation campaigns by adding and enrolling new contacts and subscribers into your subscriber list.

smsm and mms icon
Send SMS + MMS's

Send customizable SMS & MMS messages to recipients programmatically on form submission.

crm icon
Create Support Tickets

Automatically create new tickets inside your teams inbox and CRM solution on form submission.

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