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Increase email deliverability rates by integrating your existing email server to use the SendGrid SMTP endpoints.



Founded in 2009, after graduating from the TechStars program, SendGrid developed an industry-disrupting, cloud-based email service to solve the challenges of reliably delivering emails on behalf of growing companies. Like many great solutions, SendGrid was born from the frustration of three engineers whose application emails didn’t get delivered, so they built an app for email deliverability. Today, SendGrid is responsible for sending billions of emails for some of the best and brightest companies in the world.

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Q & A

Here's an article published directly by SendGrid on how to create your SendGrid API Key.

All SMTP usernames for sending email with SendGrid SMTP are identical. The SMTP username is the word "apikey" minus the quotation marks.

Your license key can be found inside your Likeable Forms account. You can locate your license key by navigating to your account dashboard and clicking on "Reveal License Key".

It is smtp.sendgrid.net

SendGrid currently recommends port 587.

SendGrid currently recommends "TLS".

This is a required step in ensuring email deliverability. To see how to verify your domain, please see how to setup domain authentication.

This extension works for both free and paid SendGrid email API plans.

Here's an article published directly by SendGrid on how to create your SendGrid API Key.

All SMTP usernames for sending email with SendGrid SMTP are identical. The SMTP username is the word "apikey" minus the quotation marks.

Your license key can be found inside your Likeable Forms account. You can locate your license key by navigating to your account dashboard and clicking on "Reveal License Key".

It is smtp.sendgrid.net

SendGrid currently recommends port 587.

SendGrid currently recommends "TLS".

This is a required step in ensuring email deliverability. To see how to verify your domain, please see how to setup domain authentication.

This extension works for both free and paid SendGrid email API plans.




SendGrid is the world's largest email infrastructure as a service provider.

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