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Increase email deliverability rates by integrating your existing email server to use the Mailersend SMTP endpoints.



We launched MailerSend to give you the same advantages for transactional emails. After 10+ years of sending huge volumes of emails and experiencing similar challenges that you’re facing, we’re now happy to share our solution with you. We use MailerSend for our own transactional emails across all our companies. And, we’re our toughest customer! Everything we do at MailerSend is inspired by our users. We’re constantly identifying and removing barriers, while adding new features that you’ll actually use and love.

Video Tutorial

Q & A

Here's an article published directly by Mailersend on how to obtain your Mailersend SMTP Credentials.

Your license key can be found inside your Likeable Forms account. You can locate your license key by navigating to your account dashboard and clicking on "Reveal License Key".

It is smtp.mailersend.net

Mailersend currently recommends port 587.

Mailersend currently recommends "TLS".

This is a required step in ensuring email deliverability. To see how to verify your domain, please see How to add and verify your sending domain.

This extension works with both free and paid plans. See Mailersend SMTP pricing for more information.

Here's an article published directly by Mailersend on how to obtain your Mailersend SMTP Credentials.

Your license key can be found inside your Likeable Forms account. You can locate your license key by navigating to your account dashboard and clicking on "Reveal License Key".

It is smtp.mailersend.net

Mailersend currently recommends port 587.

Mailersend currently recommends "TLS".

This is a required step in ensuring email deliverability. To see how to verify your domain, please see How to add and verify your sending domain.

This extension works with both free and paid plans. See Mailersend SMTP pricing for more information.




Send with confidence knowing that your emails will get delivered.

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